Monday, December 23, 2019

The Debate Over Stem Cell Research - 1685 Words

While the use of stem cells can offer a lot to the scientific community, the derivation of stem cells from embryos is ethically unacceptable; and the use of stem cells in humans should be completely prohibited. Since the first research on embryo stem cells in 1998 on mice the controversy has been relentless (Timeline), and even now, scientists have made great strides in waning off of embryonic stem cells and instead using induced pluripotent stem cells from adults, however these have their issues as well. Whatever the benefits may be, using stem cells to propagate differentiated human cells, tissues, or organs should be prohibited. The government has been addressing this issue since the arise of stem cell research. There are many†¦show more content†¦The two big issues that arise with this research is the way the stem cells are acquired, and what researchers do with the information gathered once it is acquired. According to an article by The Center for Bioethics Human Dign ity called â€Å"An Overview of Stem Cell Research†, â€Å"Human embryonic stem cells are the cells from which all 200+ kinds of tissue in the human body originate. Typically, they are derived from human embryos-often those from fertility clinics who are left over from assisted reproduction attempts. When stem cells are obtained from living human embryos, the harvesting of such cells necessitates destruction of the embryos.†(An Overview of Stem Cell Research). So basically, to acquire these stem cells which have the benefits of improving others lives, you must take away a potential life. The same article by says â€Å"A life is a life and that should never be compromised. A fertilized egg should be valued as a human life even if it is in its very first weeks. Destroying human life in the hopes of saving human life is not ethical.†( The main problem with embryonic stem cell use is the ethical issues that come with it. But, one who t akes embryonic stem cells into their body must be on medicine to prevent rejection for the rest of their life, which can be extremely cost. Moving on, the not-so-unethical alternatives also have their plentiful of issues. According to John Hopkins medicine, in 2007 US

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Theme of struggle Free Essays

The Struggle Struggle is when you make forceful efforts to get free of a restraint. Usually something critical happens that causes you to struggle frequently. This critical thing can happen over time, or it can happen all of a sudden. We will write a custom essay sample on Theme of struggle or any similar topic only for you Order Now Frequently struggling usually leads to depression, the same way that struggling can keep you depressed. Everything has to happen for a reason, and in this case struggling was the reasoning for depression. Since the beginning of his wanting to go to a very academic school, Craig studied crazily like. He studied so much that one of the times he went to his room to study â€Å"[he] got comfortable with [his] room for the first time. † Most depressed people like to stay in their room for a long time because they want to isolate themselves. Studying for three hours a day in his room, is one the things that allowed himself to isolate himself, even though it was not intentional. He, like many other depressed people felt safe somewhere, and for him, it was his room. When you cannot do anything about your struggle you tend to panic and/or stress which can dead to long term physical and/or mental pain. Most people who throw up are sick, but there are certain people who vomit because they are stressed and Craig is one of them. Within months of his new school, which is one of the hardest high schools there are, he had stress vomited. Craig stress vomiting is very significant in It’s Kind of a Funny Story because it is when all his struggling begins. It usually shows that that person is not strong as to how they came off to be. Towards the beginning of the kook, Craig had everything together, which is usually other people’s lives are as well, but as more goes on to their plate as they can chew, they vomit and it shows that they are struggling. This conveys that every person who has stress vomited because of all the things they had to handle, really believed they were that person, someone who could do everything with ease. Struggling sometimes makes you lose control, so it may seem like you are in control, but in reality you are Just pretending to be. Since Craig has trouble digesting is food he has to tell himself he is â€Å"still in control of [his] mind and [he] has medication and [he] is going to make this happen† (37-38). If anyone is taking medication for something that they cannot control, like Craig eating abilities, it means that they are already no longer in control of their mind. Craig thinking that he is still in control conveys that he has found taking medication a normal thing, that it is no longer something that sets him apart from others. When you think of someone who takes medication to help them with depression along with other things, you hint their name and you think depression and medication along with them. It has become one with them. Craig became depressed because he was continuously struggling with simple things and harsh things that were a struggle. It can be predicted that over time Craig will come out of his depression when he gets out of his comfort zone, when he actually does something about one of his struggles. He will learn how to do that with all struggles and that will slowly end his depression. How to cite Theme of struggle, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Strengthen and Improve Initial Proposal

Questions: 1. What is the impact of diversity management at the workplace? 2. What are the factors affecting diversity management inside the organization? 3. What should be the recommendation for the business organizations for avoiding gender diversity at the workplace? Answers: 1. Business Research Topic In order to accomplish a research work successfully, the researcher should make an effective proposal first. It would help the researcher definitely to conduct the entire process in a systematic way. This particular research proposal is primarily concerned to deal with a specific business organizational issue. The impact of diversity management at the workplace has been selected as the primary issue (Barak, 2013). In a business organization, people of various culture and background like work in order to maintain their bread and butter. While maintaining unity or unanimous decision, executing team performance for achieving the business goal, people of different attitude face numerous problems. At the same time, business organization needs to follow diversity management for expanding their business beyond going the internal boundary. Therefore, the researcher has decided to make an effective research proposal in this particular topic in order to evaluate the importance of diversity management for business growth. In a business report of TESCO published in the year 2010 on The Economist, Sir Terry Leahy, the-then CEO of TESCO announced that before his retirement on March, this kind of diversity related issues inside the organization would be solved (Choi Rainey, 2014). People should be entertained within the organization based on their skills and competencies not on the gender or cultural diversity. 2. Literature Review In the literature review part, the researcher would focus to discuss on the various aspects of diversity management from different angles. The concept of diversity management: Diversity management is the systematic strategy with the help of which the business organizations like to deal with the people of various backgrounds. As stated by Hoogendoorn, Oosterbeek Van Praag (2013), Gender diversity is one of the major issues in every business organizations. Male and female employees do not get equal respect and dignity at the workplace. In addition, one female employee has to struggle immensely for holding a higher position than even the male employee holds. In this situation, implementation of diversity management bounds the business organizations to maintain diversity management at the workplace so that female employees as well get equal priority within the business organization. The importance of diversity management at the workplace: Customers like to purchase foods and products from the business organization if they get a service from the diverse employees. Customers of a business organization are not restricted within a specific culture, religion or background. Therefore, they feel comfortable to deal with the people of various culture and background. Moreover, the organization would be able to get the opportunity to hire skillful and competent employees only when the human resource manager would like to hire people based on their talent rather than their culture, religion or gender. Diversity management helps to enhance the communication among the employees of different attitudes (Kirton Greene, 2015). People get to know how to maintain unity at the workplace, how to respect the people of various culture and how to maintain discipline within the organization. In an occasion, TESCO former CEO Leahy stated that business organizations should hunt for the talent first. People who be appointed for a particular company, should have an in-depth knowledge and skill regarding the particular field. Therefore, efficiency should be provided more priority based on the skills and competencies. In this way, Diversity management helps the organization to expand their business in different geographical areas. The impact of diversity management on employees performance: The implementation of diversity management at the workplace is possesses with both of its positive as well as negative impacts. The employees of an organization belong from various psychologies and point of views. Before taking a vital decision regarding the business goal, managers get the opportunity to make a collective decision (Kulik, 2014). Moreover, employees inside the organization learn to respect various cultures and perceptions. As a result, they can easily handle numerous needs and demands of the customers from different backgrounds. The customers on the other hand would like to feel free for communicating with the employees effectively while using the services. At the same time, this particular strategy is not devoid of some of its negative impacts as well. People from different culture and attitude sometimes become unable to adjust with each other inside the organization. Barriers such as linguistic barriers, cultural barriers and psychological barriers take place among the employees (Madera, 2013). It hampers the entire rhythm of business. Employees fail to provide an effective service to the customers of different cultures and background. Customers as well do not feel comfortable to use the service of organization. Therefore, implementation of diversity management is endowed with both of its positive as well as negative impacts. 3. Research Question: Research question helps the researcher to identify the research issue properly. In this particular research proposal, the researcher has raised several questions. These are as follows: What is the impact of diversity management at the workplace? What are the factors affecting diversity management inside the organization? What should be the recommendation for the business organizations for avoiding gender diversity at the workplace? The solution of these particular issues would help the researcher to conduct the entire project successfully and to provide necessary solution in this regard. 4. Research methodology and techniques Research methodology is the balanced procedure with the help of which the researcher intends to conduct the entire research. This particular process helps the researcher to gather necessary information regarding the research issue (Martn Alczar et al. 2013). In this particular business research proposal, the researcher has aimed to collect data regarding the importance of maintaining diversity management within the business organization such as TESCO. Research methodology is constituted with appropriate research philosophy, research approach and research design. Research philosophy helps the researcher to analyze the source of data from detailed point of view (Olsen Martins, 2012). For this particular research work, the researcher would like to select post positivism philosophy for accomplishing the entire project successfully. Post positivism is a low cost effective philosophy based on repeated observation. Furthermore, deductive approach would be followed in order to acquire a clear knowledge and information regarding the business goal. Deductive approach can be dealt following the case study method. By following the case study of TESCO, their organizational plans and policies, the researcher would be able to collect necessary data and information. The way TESCO tends to maintain diversity management at the workplace would also be evaluated with the help of deductive approach. At the same time, deductive approach is time consuming. The researcher would get enough time and space to analyze the data and information properly. Furthermore, descriptive research design would be followed for this specific research paper. Descriptive research design helps the researcher to analyze the data and information in detailed manner. Descriptive research design is constituted with three factors that include observational, case study and survey. While dealing with a particular issue, the researcher likes to make a keen observation for few days (Patrick Kumar, 2012). After completing the observation period, the researcher likes to conduct an effective survey in order to collect detailed information. Based on the information gathered from the survey report, the researcher would like to make an effective case study on the specific topic. In order to collect necessary data regarding TESCOs organizational plan and process for implementing diversity management, the researcher focuses these three aspects of research methodology for accomplishing the entire project successfully. 5. Project Plan Project plan is the strategy to design the plan of entire research work chronologically. With the help of an effective project plan, the researcher would be able to fix a target or goal how to deal with the project. Without making a proper project plan, the researcher would never be able to conduct the entire work systematically. However, the project plan that would be conducted for this particular research proposal is as follows: Figure 1: Gantt chart (Source: Created by author) 6. Research process Research process is the systematic way of conducting the entire execution properly. In the very first part, the researcher would like to select the business topic or issue first. As per the research issue, the researcher would like to set the aims and objectives as well as research motivation. In the literature review part, the researcher has made an in-depth analysis about the entire research topic from various angles (Ratnadass et al. 2012). The concept of diversity management, the impact of diversity management and its importance have been discussed in detail in this particular part. Whit the help of an effective literature review section, the researcher would like to provide a deep insight about the research issue. Research question mainly allows identifying and specifying the research issue particularly. By setting a research question, the researcher can get an in-depth overview regarding the essence of research issue. Research methodology comes after that. With the help of research methodology, the researcher would like to apply accurate research approach, philosophy and design. These procedures are the systematic ways to conduct an in-depth analysis regarding the research topic. Different procedures of research methodology help the researcher to collect accurate data and information regarding the business topic (Richard, Kirby Chadwick, 2013). Diversity management and its effectiveness on the business organization is the main research issue for this proposal. TESCO had to face diverse issue at their workplace. Therefore, in the research proposal the researcher had followed this particular research process mentioned above in order to accomplish the analysis systematically. Throughout the entire process, the research may have to face immense difficulties to collect relevant data and information. However, the research process that the researcher has designed to follow is expected to be effective fo r gathering necessary information. 7. Data collection and analysis methods Data collection is the effective process of acquiring appropriate data and information in order to complete the research work successfully (Sabharwal, 2014). Data can be collected from two sources primarily that include primary data source and secondary data source. With the help of primary data collection procedure, the researcher can make a direct communication with the participants. Primary Data collection procedure includes survey, interview, group discussion, focal group and so on. On the other hand, secondary data can be collected from various journals, books, magazines, newspapers, online sites and so many. These sources are unable to make a direct communication with the researcher. However, primary data collection process consists of two parts that include qualitative data and quantitative data collection. Qualitative data is based on survey process and quantitative data is based on interview. For this specific research, the researcher would like to follow both the two methods. While collecting quantitative data, fifty-one employees of TESCO would be selected for the participation (Thomas, 2012). They would provide their own opinion regarding the business management process of TESCO. The participants would be asked whether diversity management is at all able to maintain the organizational discipline. The impact of diversity management on the business organization like TESCO is also a matter of question. However, with the help of qualitative data collection technique, the researcher would like to select three regional managers in order to make an effective interaction. Qualitative data collection is based on descriptive questions. With the help of qualitative questions, the researcher would come to know how the organizations or the managers have to face immense challenges in order to implement diversity management inside the workplace (Vidal et al., 2013). Various advantages and the disadvantages of diversity management would also be asked. These kinds of specific data and information would help the researcher to conduct the entire research successfully. 8. Expected outcome The researcher has tried the level best to make an entire research proposal by following a systematic procedure. The research questions that have been chosen are very much relevant to the research issue, its aims and objectives. In the literature review, every aspects of diversity management have been discussed in detail. As per the design of methodology formed in the research proposal, the researcher would be expected to collect necessary data and information regarding different factors of diversity management. Therefore, the outcome that would be rendered from the research work is expected to be positive. At the same time, the entire proposal is not devoid of some of its negatives factors as well. While conducting the entire proposal of methodology, the researcher has not mentioned about the importance of ethical consideration. The researcher should never impose any participant to provide information. At the same time, the data that would be collected from various resources would have to be correct and authentic. It would help the researcher to conduct the entire project systematically and the expected outcome would be positive. Reference List: Barak, M. E. M. (2013).Managing diversity: Toward a globally inclusive workplace. Sage Publications. Choi, S., Rainey, H. G. (2014). Organizational Fairness and Diversity Management in Public Organizations Does Fairness Matter in Managing Diversity?.Review of Public Personnel Administration,34(4), 307-331. Hoogendoorn, S., Oosterbeek, H., Van Praag, M. (2013). The impact of gender diversity on the performance of business teams: Evidence from a field experiment.Management Science,59(7), 1514-1528. Kirton, G., Greene, A. M. (2015).The dynamics of managing diversity: A critical approach. Routledge. Kulik, C. T. (2014). Working below and above the line: The researchpractice gap in diversity management.Human Resource Management Journal,24(2), 129-144. Madera, J. M. (2013). Best Practices in Diversity Management in Customer Service Organizations An Investigation of Top Companies Cited by Diversity Inc.Cornell Hospitality Quarterly,54(2), 124-135. Martn Alczar, F., Miguel Romero Fernndez, P., Snchez Gardey, G. (2013). Workforce diversity in strategic human resource management models: A critical review of the literature and implications for future research.Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal,20(1), 39-49. Olsen, J. E., Martins, L. L. (2012). Understanding organizational diversity management programs: A theoretical framework and directions for future research.Journal of Organizational behavior,33(8), 1168-1187. Patrick, H. A., Kumar, V. R. (2012). Managing Workplace Diversity.Sage Open,2(2), 2158244012444615. Ratnadass, A., Fernandes, P., Avelino, J., Habib, R. (2012). Plant species diversity for sustainable management of crop pests and diseases in agroecosystems: a review.Agronomy for sustainable development,32(1), 273-303. Richard, O. C., Kirby, S. L., Chadwick, K. (2013). The impact of racial and gender diversity in management on financial performance: How participative strategy making features can unleash a diversity advantage.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,24(13), 2571-2582. Sabharwal, M. (2014). Is diversity management sufficient? Organizational inclusion to further performance.Public Personnel Management, 0091026014522202. Thomas, K. M. (Ed.). (2012).Diversity resistance in organizations. Psychology Press. Vidal, T., Crainic, T. G., Gendreau, M., Prins, C. (2013). A hybrid genetic algorithm with adaptive diversity management for a large class of vehicle routing problems with time-windows.Computers Operations Research,40(1), 475-489.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Visual Arts in Pre

Pre-historic Greek artworks have influenced cultures and arts in many countries around the globe, especially in the sculptural and architectural arts. Right from the Roman Empire in the West to the Far East including Japan, ancient Greek artworks are a source of inspiration (O’Kelly 1982, p. 88).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Visual Arts in Pre-historic Greek Artworks specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Greek architecture left a lasting impression in the architectural design of public buildings. Contemporary buildings and the ancient Roman arts copied a lot of things from the Greek. This paper compares the Parthenon, a well known surviving building of ancient Greek with the War Memorial Opera House in San Francisco, which is a piece of contemporary architectural artwork. The Parthenon building on the Acropolis, in 5th BC to replace an old temple destroyed during an invasion (Beard 2010, p.12). The templ e building in Athens and it acted as a sign of Athenian dominance in the Greek Peninsula. The War Memorial Opera House located in San Francisco on Van Ness Avenue opposite the City Hall opened its gate to the public in 1932 (Couret 1998, para. 2). The building was among the last main American building built in the Beaux-arts style. This style of art borrowed a lot from the ancient Greek and Roman architectures. The Parthenon (Neils 2005, p. 3) Advertising Looking for essay on art? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The War Memorial Opera House (SFWMPAC Online n.d, n.p) The Parthenon building to served as a temple for one of the goddesses of Athens. It was built to offer thanks to Athena the goddess for their success and victory in the war. In fact, the name originated from a cultic statue housed in one of the rooms, in the temple. The building later invaded and turned into a church in honor of the Virgin Mary. On the other hand, the War Memorial Opera House was built to commemorate the people who died during the World War I. It also served to host the San Francisco War Memorial and Performing Arts Center since 1932 when it opened its doors (‘Parthenon, Lovell Minnick and Fisher Lynch Conclude Acquisition of H.D. Vest Financial Services’ 2011, para. 2). Classical Doric order or style, which, is normally calm and sturdy was used in building both buildings (Michos 2002, para. 7). The Parthenon, credited as one of the perfect Doric temple ever built in the world while the War memorial Opera House constructed using paired columns, an application of Doric order (‘The Webby Awards 2001(R) Will Take the Stage at San Francisco’s War Memorial Opera House’ 2001, n.p). Doric style applied the directly standing columns on flat pavements known as stylobates and alternated metopes a feature common with the two architectural works under consideration. Ionic columns were also clearly used i n both buildings. The materials used to make the two pieces of architecture were different mainly because of the different in their respective location. Wooden roofs, marble tiles and marble statues made up the Parthenon’s interior. Other materials used in the building were ivory and gold, and it stood on a limestone rock. Coffered ceiling; large aluminum and glass paneled chandelier made up the War Memorial Opera house’s interior. Sculptures are a common occurrence in the two buildings despite the difference in age (Clark 1997, para 5).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Visual Arts in Pre-historic Greek Artworks specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More An explosion destroyed the Parthenon, but the War Memorial Opera house in San Francisco continues to stand. It maintains a lasting impression of the ancient Greek architectural designs, and buildings (Kaldor 2010, p 23). Technologically, the building has adva nced, but it refuses to let go of its ancient world’s ‘theater feeling’. Until late 20th century, the Parthenon laid destroyed, but the Greek government set out to revive the ancient building. Now it is meant to become a museum, but unfortunately, the original design cannot be recovered. Only an impression of it is possible. References Beard, M., 2010. The Parthenon, Profile Books. Clark, A., 1997. After the quake: Andrew Clark attends the re-opening of San Francisco’s refurbished War Memorial Opera House Financial Times, pp. 08-08. Couret, C., 1998. San Francisco’s historic opera house re-opens, The American City County, 113(9), pp. 28-28. Kaldor, A., 2010. Great opera houses: masterpiece of architecture Masterpieces of Architecture Series. Antique Collectors’ Club, the University of Michigan. Michos, I., 2002. The enduring question about the Parthenon, Financial Times, , pp. 06-06.Advertising Looking for essay on art? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Neils, J., 2005. The Parthenon: from antiquity to the present. Cambridge University Press. O’Kelly, M., 1982. Newgrange: Archaeology, Art and Legend, London: Thames and Hudson. Parthenon, Lovell Minnick and Fisher Lynch Conclude Acquisition of H.D. Vest Financial Services, 2011. Entertainment Close – Up, , pp. n/a. The Webby Awards 2001(R) Will Take the Stage at San Francisco’s War Memorial Opera House, 2001. United States, New York: PR Newswire Association LLC. SFWMPAC Online, n.d., San Francisco War Memorial Performing Center. Web. This essay on Visual Arts in Pre-historic Greek Artworks was written and submitted by user Jonathon Mccall to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Julieus Ceasar Essay

Julieus Ceasar Essay Julieus Ceasar Essay Both speakers are connecting to Caesar by trying to prove a way to make Caesar either stay home or got to work. One speaker is Calpurnia, she wants Caesar to stay at home, because she has a feeling that Caesar might die. The other speaker is Decius Brutus and he wants Caesar to go to work so that he and his friends can kill him. Both speakers have their own reasons that want to make Caesar want to stay but what Calpurnia said wasn’t enough so he was frightened. I think that Caesar would believe Brutus more because Brutus sounds more realistic than Calpurnia does. The words that Calpurnia uses in the passage are nervous because she doesn’t want anything to happen to her husband. She also uses the words I circled to try and convince Caesar not to go to work. On the other hand the words that Brutus uses are more persuasive because he twists the things Calpurnia says and make them seem positive. He also says things like that make Caesar want to go to work like when Brutus says, â€Å"If Caesar hide himself, shall they not whisper, ‘Lo, Caesar is afraid’?†. This quote shows what people will think of Caesar is he listens to his wife and stays home. I believe that Brutus is more persuasive because he gives great examples. The examples that both passages give are okay, but some are better like when Calpurnia said that she had a bad dream about Caesar’s death. Calpurnia says, â€Å"Your statue spouting blood in many pipes†. This quote shows that if Caesar goes to work and get crowned there will be bloodshed. Obviously the example that Calpurnia gave Caesar wasn’t enough to convince Caesar to stay home so he leaves his home and ran into Brutus, who convinced Caesar to go to work and get crowned. Decius Brutus says, â€Å"If you shall send them word you will not come, their minds may change†. This quote means that if Caesar doesn’t show up to get crowned, the crowd of people won’t want him as king any more. In both of the passages the speakers both talk in a different point of view, Calpurnia speaks in first person, while Brutus talks in second person. Calpurnia speaks in first person because she is trying to get a point though Caesar in hopes to convince Caesar

Friday, November 22, 2019

Business Accounting and Ethical Standards

A) The duty of the auditor arises from the ASA 315 which in conjunction with ASA 570 on Going Concern wherein he has to see if there is an environment which leads to misstatement of records. He should accordingly recalibrate his assessment. With the new evidence, he should check if there exists a material uncertainty and therefore conjectures to the ability of the pany to continue as a Going Concern. With the new evidence, the auditor will see the following that there is an immense doubt on the fact whether the pany can continue as a Going Concern and therefore adequate disclosures are made pointing to such events which creates such conjectures on the pany to continue as a Going Concern. Here, King & Queen (K & Q) auditor are auditors of Impulse since 2005. They should be aware that there are liquidity problems in the pany. Hence applying ASA 570 and dictated by their duty in Sec 295 (4) of the Corporations Act, K & Q auditor should have done additional audit procedures to check the viability of the Going Concern assumption. These could include points like valuation of inventory,   receivable realisations. This will stamp the fact that if there is a risk of Going concern and whether such facts will be disclosed. Hence they have not done their duty as per audit standards and mon law. As a result, there is a transgression of proper professional skill and standards In a case of Esanda Finance Corp Ltd vs. Peat Marwick Hungerford’s[1], there is a landmark High Court ruling. This has thrown light and made it clear about their view on earlier judgements and revised their mistakes in the past judgements. They have now eliminated the liability of the auditor in a third party liability. In that they have tested the bined facts of Proximity, Reliance and Causation. The case is similar to this case study where Esanda had an economic deprivation when they sanctioned the loan to the pany on the back of the auditor’s report analysis. It satisfied itself whether auditor to be held liable. The courts concluded that there was a mere reporting to the shareholders and not to the financiers. They did not have any clairvoyance that lenders would act based on this report. This is in spite of the fact that they were aware that report did not indicate a true and fair view of financial statements. Since they did not anticipate that the financier will b e using the report, K & Q auditor should have made it clear that the report would be analysed and used verbatim by the lenders and hence a probability of loss could be there; It is stated that Esanda unreasonably depended on the audit report and did not perform diligence themselves to convince of the finances of the borrower The Court held that auditor has not breached duty of care and used the test of Proximity & Causation in their conclusion. Depending on this case, K & Q auditor were not aware that the report would have been used by EFL Finance for lending. The finance pany lent to Impulse by relying on the report and did not conduct an independent diligence. Depending on the case of Proximity, Reliance and Causation, K & Q auditor remained within their limits of duty of care and hence are not liable to EFL Finance b) If Esanda had ab initio mentioned to K & Q auditor that they will use the report for deciding on lending to Impulse, it can be concluded that the test of Proximity and Reliance are maintained. Hence K & Q auditor may exercise reasonable care keeping in mind that one of the intended audiences is EFL Finance who will rely on the audit procedures of K & Q auditor. Hence they need to collect audit evidence and reach a conclusion in their audit report keeping in mind the reader. Even after such mention, if the procedures on inventory and debtors are not done by K & Q auditor, then they have transgressed the precincts of care and their pliance with Proximity, Reliance has failed. As a result, the Causation factor or cause of economic loss has been triggered and accordingly K & Q auditor will be liable to EFL Finance in this scenario 2A) This is defined by APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, Independence prises of: Independence of Mind (Actual Independence) – This expects a mental state which ensures that the auditor acts as an objective and independent person. His opinion will therefore be free from any vested interests and influences. Independence in Appearance (Perceived independence) – Auditor to maintain his image and standard such that any third party will not raise any doubt on his independence and credentials to form an opinion. Independence of the mind or actual independence involves objectivity of the mental condition and mental state and his objectivity to react to specific situations. An auditor who is truly independent has the ability to make non vested decisions in spite of the prejudices. However, since the state of mind where he is perceived to have colluded with the pany and promised his principles is highly volatile, it cannot be objectively benchmarked with respect to time and environment. Therefore, the test of Independence in Appearance or â€Å"Perceived Independence† needs to e upheld wherein he shows the same consistency in behaviour to a knowledgeable person and his client equally. Perceived independence can be measured based on how close the audit member is to the client and he gets any pecuniary benefits for the same. This could also include a dependency test on his economic drive with one client measured to his total revenue. Perceived independence accentuates the credibility of th e report and opinion expressed by the auditor and therefore his opinion is worth the salt. (i) Bob – Principle of Confidentiality is a key point of APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants wherein information extracted in a professional engagement is not to be disclosed to any third party without specific authority nor use it for personal benefits provided there is no legal and official reason to reveal. In the instant situation, Bob copied confidential information which was used for his personal benefit of finishing his university assignments though it did not contain the Club Casino name. Even if you remove the name of the client in the assignment, it does not remove the fact that confidentiality was predominantly breached. This being used for vested interest and not professional interest, there is no possibility of cover up with any alternate action. (ii) Wendy – Wendy is a partner in an audit firm. She has been assigned post of pany Secretary (CS) position in the same pany who is her audit client. This triggers Clause 290.142 of APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants. Assignment of such staff is pointing to a self review threat which could have been absolved if it was for only a temporary period. But that not is the case, wherein Wendy has been given the post on a permanent basis. Her position is close to the pany triggering self-review and advocacy threats. Hence there is no way the threat can be brought to acceptable level. Per AUST290.148.1, a pany Secretary is an Officer under the Corporations Act. Wendy cannot act as a temporary partner in the client.   The only way is to resign from the audit engagement. (iii) Leo- Leo is a close member of the audit group and his elative prepares the financials and statements in the firm. The opinion to be expressed on such cash flows has a conflict for Leo. The threat therefore can be minimised to Acceptable level if Leo is replaced and he is restricted from working on such assignments where his relative has an influence in making the base documents to be audited. Per APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, it is r mended that Leo to be removed from the audit since his father has a more than significant influence (iv) Chan & Associates – If Chan holds stake, such stake will not create an independence threat if the business relationship is insignificant to Chan, his audit form and the pany where he holds stake. Such stake should also not create an ability to control the pany and it is immaterial to him. But here Chan has 25% equity in the entity which is high and can create two threats namely self interest/intimidation. Per APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants, Chan has to relinquish his stake and resign from his audit engagement responsibility of Classic Reproductions. Accounting Professional & Ethical Standards Board, (2008).  APES 110 Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants. Australia. (2016).  Australian Auditing Standards. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Dec. 2016]. Auditing and Assurance Standards Board, (2013).  Auditing Standard ASA 570 Going Concern. (2016).  ASA 570 - Going Concern - April 2006. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Dec. 2016]. Cpaaustralia .au. (2016).  Accounting professional and ethical standards. [online] Available at: https://www.cpaaustralia .au [Accessed 12 Dec. 2016]. Nguyen, V. and Rajapakse, P. (2008). An Analysis of the Auditors' Liability to Third Parties in Australia. mon Law World Review

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Re-victimisation of Holocaust Survivors in the Contemporary Filmic Essay

Re-victimisation of Holocaust Survivors in the Contemporary Filmic Landscape - Essay Example .. ever cut me as sharply, deeply, instantaneously† (Shandler 1999, 212). Susan Sontag reveals in this statement that Holocaust victims are chronically re-victimised by the manner they are represented in films. This paper is an attempt to discuss Sontag’s argument in relation to the documentary film Night and Fog. Night and Fog by Alain Resnais Night and Fog uses a French storyteller alongside contemporary perspectives and archival film recordings of the concentration camps. The documentary film also hosts several still photographs (Knobler 2008). A major issue explored in the film is the opposition between the desolated, wretched camps at present and the different atrocities they witnessed in the 1940s. A secondary issue is the manner in which the atrocious Nazis were not inherently distinct from other human beings in most cases. The documentary film is sketchy, and not strictly sequential. It opens up with vivid footages of present-day camp sites, a harmless environmen t populated with rubbles, abandoned buildings, and wild flowers. An unforgettable episode at the onset displays how the entry to the concentration camp looked like to a World captive (Aufderheide 2007). With a measured narrative style, the initial part of the film progresses from the first instances of Nazi power to arrest all over Europe, and the appalling realities of camp existence. Sprinkled with gruesome images from the 1940s are several photographs of present-day camps. They look like threadbare artefacts of a historic period. The last part of the documentary film emphasises the concentration camps as places of inhumane events and mass slaughter. Himmler then appears to readdress the intention of the concentration camps (Shandler 1999). The horrendous images of mass extermination are documented and shown in various ways: containers loaded with victims’ heads, partially incinerated remains in funeral pyres, and signs of struggles and pain on the inner entrails of the gas chambers. A haunting aerial photograph of a concentration camp in the 1940s confers a ghostly feeling of the immensity of the whole venture (Aufderheide 2007). The documentary film ends with images of the concentration camps being freed, and the perpetrators facing legal proceedings. The narrator afterwards informs the audience that this kind of inhumane desires and actions persist until now. Night and Fog fuses a controlled narrative style with memorable vivid photographs and scenes. Transitioning from archival footage to the current condition of these places of dread is remarkably successful. However, in spite of its power and influence, the documentary film raises a number of dilemmas. The general premise that resulted in the concentration camps is overlooked. Hence, the act of genocide presents a more methodical, but never an exceptional, concern for this subject matter. Susan Sontag, on a similar vein, sees this whole enterprise in a more reflective and scholarly way. Looking at Night and Fog through Susan Sontag’s Arguments It is the argument of this paper that there will always be a moment in the existence of a civilisation which will endure a tremendous predicament, where in there emerges a discourse of traumatic memory. The relevance of Susan Sontag’s argument to Night and Fog overcomes the factual allusion to specific experience of

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Strategic management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Strategic management - Essay Example This paper shall analyze this article in terms of its structure, content accuracy and noteworthiness. Ty McMahan begins by highlighting the turning point towards the enhanced implementation of strategic management in the firm that came with the appointment of Michael Skarzynski as King Pin at Arbitron earlier this year. The content of the article finds its root in a rather vague introduction to the subject; one that can very easily be perceived differently by different readers. It proceeds to elaborate upon the numerous ventures that Arbitron chose to take a go at in light of the improved strategic management of its investment funds and the eventual outcomes to which they led. The article is quite accurate as Ty McMahan notes that not only is a higher degree of investment a part of this improved strategic management policy but also the acquisition of companies that could assist Arbitron in doing so. However, even though the author has highlighted how the redefinition of the implementation of strategic management in the firm has allowed it to bring about a higher and more accurate read out on the return on investment made towards marketing through television advertisements, there is a certain degree of noteworthiness that the article could do with since the author has spent most of the time merely f orwarding the opinions that have been expressed by other experts in the field rather than coming to a conclusion by himself in the end. However, the content of the article is a success in the fact that we can surmise from it that strategic management is an element that firm’s exercise in particular in matters where the firm’s center of stability is concerned. It is used as an instrument to ensure that no decision or measure is taken without keeping the long term consequences in perspective. McMahan, Ty. Arbitron, Looking To Make Strategic Investments, Takes Page

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Analysis of Jane Austins Pride And Prejudice Essay Example for Free

Analysis of Jane Austins Pride And Prejudice Essay Elizabeths and Darcys epithet (not literal but rather implied) of Proud and Prejudiced as the title of the book indicates, is clearly evident in the discourse and the use of pronouns found in extract A chapter 10. Extract B chapter 58, has an entirely different use of discourse and the polarity of persons is fundamentally different to that of extract A, the I and you of Elizabeth and Darcy become increasingly more like a metaphorical we or us as the book progresses, bring about a new implied epithet of humble and accepting. Benveniste refers to the use of pronouns as bringing ones ego into reality through the othering of people. The culture of politeness at the time that Jane Austin wrote Pride and Prejudice dictated that a person had to be far more subtle in their approach to, amongst others, insults. This was predominantly done through the change in indexicals, in the same manner we as the reader are able to pick up on the transition from; repulsion between Elizabeth and Darcy through to attraction and ultimately love, all as an event of language. In extract A Mr. Darcy moves closer, drawing near line 2, to Elizabeth , this is indicative of his affection towards her although it may be on a sub-conscious level. The reader can assume this as he moves his entire body towards her in a private manner. He then proceeds to other and mock her in line 4 by not including his own subjectivity in the discourse. Do not you feel a great inclination, Miss Bennet, to seize such an opportunity of dancing a reel? In this utterance Mr. Darcy does not include himself in the discourse and refers to Elizabeth as you, this creates a distance between the two as the you is not linked to Mr. Darcys I. Mr. Darcy extenuates Elizabeth by referring to her as Miss Bennet, in this he creates more distance by the formal address. The word seize is a blatant attempt to incite a reaction from Elizabeth by emphasizing her familys economic situation by insinuating that being poor, she would jump at the opportunity to let loose and revel in the opportunity to participate in, it is implied, this rare treat. In actuality Darcy is using an ironical tone to provoke a response and although othering Elizabeth is desperately seeking her attention. The same practice is performed by most young children, often mocking and behaving in a callous manner to the opposite sex in order simply to engage them. Elizabeth does not answer his question and he is forced to  repeat it. This indicates to the reader that although the two seem to be partaking in an argument, it is more than that and they are rather just trying to get attention from one another. It is important to note that at the time the novel was written it would be considered extremely rude to not answer a direct question and the fact that Elizabeth does this to Darcy s hows us; that she is a head strong proud individual and that she feels comfortable enough with Mr. Darcy to be impolite. After having repeated the question Elizabeth answers him. The polarity of the subjectivity and deixis is well demonstrated in her response to him. I heard you before, she involves him as a you (the object) and rebukes him by making him aware that he knew she had heard and there was no need to repeat the question. She continues by re-iterating her intention of othering him by using in reply line 9 opposed to to you. To illustrate his opinion and highlight his rudeness, she proceeds and turns him into the subject by placing the you at the beginning of the sentence in line 9, You wanted me. Elizabeth does this in order to embarrass Darcy and in doing so becomes a hypocrite, by using a tit for tat approach. She rebukes his poor cordiality but in doing so becomes just as malicious as Darcy. Elizabeth s rebuttal reaches the crux with her proverbial but line 10; after involving him she utterly removes him as a subject in her discourse and moves into a statement, I delight in overthrowing those kind of schemes, and cheating a person of their premeditated contempt. The reader can observe the those and their as a way of putting Darcy and his verbal banter in the same category as any other person she has encountered in her past. To enhance her point with dramatic effect she slows the tempo of her utterances; I have, therefore, made up my mind to tell you, that I do not want to dance a reel at all and now despise me if you dare. Once again she makes herself the subject with the I have then a the series of pauses so that the reaffirmation of her subjectivity can occur distinctively three times; I have, made up my mind, that I do not want. In closing Elizabeth forces the polarity onto Darcy by using direct and powerful words despise and dare. It is thus impossible for Darcy to avoid discourse and resorts to a defence of his ego offered by the I. Extract B chapter 58 begins with Darcy explaining to Elizabeth the circumstances of his youth that brought about the selfish line 8 adult that he became. In this monologue Darcys use of pronouns from lines 1 through to 11 are all self involved and one can notice the repetition of I at the beginning of sentences and after conjunctions or the start of a new point. This is unlike the use of I found in earlier extracts as well as future extracts; this is due to Darcys explanation being of little importance to any polarity of persons but rather a brief description. Darcy has by this stage of the book evolved into almost an entirely different I or person. When he uses the I in this section of the extract he is in essence borrowing it from his old self in order to justify his Prejudiced actions towards not only Elizabeth but all people he perceived to be of an inferior class. The introduction of Darcys new self occurs in line 12 with his inclusion of you and the use of Elizabeth s name, but for you, dearest, loveliest Elizabeth!. The surrender of all ego is done by attributing dearest and loveliest to the you of Elizabeth , importantly he uses the pinnacle of these attributes to raise her above all others. By you I was properly humbled. line 14; this positioning of the you before the I show that Darcy has completely surrendered himself over to Elizabeth by giving the you tenure of the I. Elizabeth, not surprisingly, also gives herself over to Darcy by reversing the order of pronouns in line 17 Had you then persuaded yourself that I should?. The use of pronouns as Benviniste demonstrates is a direct representation and the only true representation of ones ego. Both Elizabeth and Darcy then proceed in a rather shameful manner to reverse the polarity of persons in order to apologise to one another. How you must have hated me after that evening! line 22, the reader should take note of the utterance being formed as a question but made as a statement. Certainly Elizabeth is seeking a response but in a very passive manner! Darcy replies in an equally passive tone but hints of defensive tones can be observed in his response of Hate you! I was angry, perhaps, at first, but my anger soon began to take a proper direction line 23. Darcy involuntarily reverts back to his old I as a means of defence and finding a comfort zone, correcting himself he introduces and Elizabeth and her you by implying  that she is the proper direction. The lines that follow are of the same passive nature as slowly the I and you of Darcy and Elizabeth become one. Benviniste tries to convey that our use of pronouns is in essentially the only way in which or utterances or communication can be of any importance. Pronouns are the gateway in which or egos can be transmitted into reality. These two extracts from Pride and Prejudice show wonderfully how this is done. Through the book we notice a clear change in the polarity of persons from that of egotistical to unselfish and relinquished pronouns. Bibliography:Jane Austin Pride and Prejudice

Thursday, November 14, 2019

More Up-to-date Thinking Has G :: essays research papers

More up-to-date thinking has given us much improved facilities on the aircraft, and Crew Resource Management (CRM). At the very least, CRM is intended to ensure that the Pilot receives information and advice from not only the other crewmembers, but also from external sources such as ATC and FSS. A fundamental element will also be that wherever possible, adherence to SOPs will enhance safety. CRM may also incorporate delegating the aircraft handling functions under many circumstances, as well as utilizing as much as possible of the aircraft avionics. However, this will often result in a conflict, because the SOPs say that handling should be done by the Pilot in Charge, but good CRM indicates it should be delegated to the other pilot as a lower priority task. A question which is often lacking in some CRM courses however is how to determine when the situation has become serious enough to warrant this delegation, i.e. when to abandon the basic SOP allocation of duties because it does not give the pilot-in- charge the opportunity to resolve the bigger problems. At the same time of course the CRM training emphasizes the need to stick to SOPs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In many of the events used as examples for CRM training, a fairly dramatic event is used to illustrate the benefits of what is being advocated. However, in many real world accident and incident scenarios, it is evident that a gradual breakdown of ability to â€Å"see the overall picture† has occurred as successive minor events pile up. This frequently overwhelms the pilot’s ability to determine that a â€Å"break point† has been reached where this transfer (and departure from the basic SOP) has really become essential. To protect against this situation it would be necessary to have the delegation achieved before the degradation sequence starts, and the inevitable deterioration of judgement under pressure occurs. In fact, this is eminently logical if delegation provides a better way of managing situations which have become hazardous. Isn’t it equally a better way of managing situations before they become hazardous? Incorporate it into the SOP, and there is no requirement to deviate from the SOP to achieve good CRM.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  So in the standard modern two-person flight deck default SOPs, the Pilot, (usually in the left seat) handles the aircraft, receives inputs from ATC, from the company, and from the systems, and functions as the overall commander. The Co-pilot (usually in the right seat) handles communication and system operations.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Corporation and all other organizational forms Essay

1-1. What is the most important difference between a corporation and all other organizational forms? Owners of a corporation are not liable for obligations the corporation enters into because a corporation is defined as a legal entity separate from its owners. 1-2. What does the phrase limited liability mean in a corporate context? Limited liability means that owners/investors are solely liable for the amounts they invested in the company; and owners/investors are not responsible for any debts, delinquent funds, or collections incurred by the company. 1-3. Which organizational forms give their owners limited liability? Corporations give owners limited liability and limited partnerships give limited liability to the limited partners, not the general partners. 1-4. What are the main advantages and disadvantages of organizing a firm as a corporation? The main advantages of an organization are they offer limited liability to the owners, greater liquidity and life span due to an unlimited number of potential owners investing funds into the firm. The main disadvantages of an organization are their double taxation of profits/dividends and the separation between ownership and control of the firm. 1-5. Explain the difference between an S corporation and a C corporation. The difference between a C corporation and S corporation is a C corporation pays corporate income taxes on profits and then the profits are distributed to the owners, whom are responsible for paying income taxes on these earnings. S corporations do not pay corporate taxes on profits, but they pass the entire tax liability onto the owners. The owners of an S corporation are limited to no more than 100 U.S. citizens. 1-6. You are a shareholder in a C corporation. The corporation earns $2 per  share before taxes. Once it has paid taxes it will distribute the rest of its earnings to you as a dividend. The corporate tax rate is 40% and the personal tax rate on (both dividend and non-dividend) income is 30%. How much is left for you after all taxes are paid? Dividend available after corporate taxes: $2 x (1-0.4) = $1.20 Dividend available after personal taxes: $1.20 x (1-0.3) = $0.84 After taxes are paid, a dividend of $0.84 per share is available for distribution. 1-7. Repeat Problem 6 assuming the corporation is an S corporation. Dividend available after corporate taxes: $2, S corporations are not subject to corporate taxes. Dividend available after personal taxes: $2 x (1-0.3) = $1.40 After taxes are paid, a dividend of $1.40 per share is available for distribution. 2.8 In early 2009, General Electric (GE) had a book value of equity of $105 billion, 10.5 billion shares outstanding, and a market price of $10.80 per share. GE also had cash of $48 billion, and total debt of $524 billion. Three years later, in early 2012, GE had a book value of equity of $116 billion, 10.6 billion shares outstanding with a market price of $17 per share, cash of $84 billion, and total debt of $410 billion. Over this period, what was the change in GE’s: a. market capitalization? Market Value of Equity = Shares outstanding Ãâ€" Market price per share 2009: 10.5 billion shares x $10.80 per share = $113.4 billion 2012: 10.6 billion shares x $17 per share = $180.2 billion The change in market capitalization between 2009 and 2012 is: $180.2 billion – $113.4 billion = $66.8 billion. b. market-to-book ratio? 2009: $113.4 / $105 = 1.08 2012: $180.2/ $116 = 1.55 The change in market-to-book ratio between 2009 and 2012 is: 1.55 – 1.08 = 0.47 c. enterprise value? Enterprise Value = Market Value of Equity + Debt − Cash 2009: $113.4 + 524 – 48 = $589.4 billion 2012: $180.2 + 410 – 84 = $506.2 billion The change in enterprise value between 2009 and 2012 is: $506.2 billion – $589.4 billion = -$83.2 billion 2-11. Suppose that in 2013, Global launches  an aggressive marketing campaign that boosts sales by 15%. However, their operating margin falls from 5.57% to 4.50%. Suppose that they have no other income, interest expenses are unchanged, and taxes are the same percentage of pretax income as in 2012. a. What is Global’s EBIT in 2013? 2013 Revenues: $186.7 million x 1.15 = $214.705 million EBIT = $214.705 million x 0.045 = $9.66 million b. What is Global’s net income in 2013? Net income = EBIT – Interest Expenses – Taxes 2013 Net income: ($9.66 million – $7.7 million) x (1-0.26) = $1.45 million c. If Global’s P/E ratio and number of shares outstanding remains unchanged, what is Global’s share price in 2013? 2013 P/E ratio: 2012 share price/earnings per share = $14/$0.556 = 25.17 2013 EPS: 2013 Net income/shares outstanding = $1.45 million/3.6 million shares = $0.403 2013 Share price = 25.17 x $0.403 = $10.14 per share 2-24. Suppose your firm receives a $5 million order on the last day of the year. You fill the order with $2 million worth of inventory. The customer picks up the entire order the same day and pays $1 million upfront in cash; you also issue a bill for the customer to pay the remaining balance of $4 million in 30 days. Suppose your firm’s tax rate is 0% (i.e., ignore taxes). Determine the consequences of this transaction for each of the following: a. Revenues = Increase by $5 million b. Earnings = Increase by $ 3 million c. Receivables = Increase by 4 million d. Inventory = Decrease by $2 million e. Cash = Increase by $1 million ($3 million earnings + $2 million inventory – $4 million receivables)

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Planning for the Chevy Volt Essay

What does the Chevy Volt case tell you about the nature of strategic decision making at a large complex organization like GM? From the Chevy Volt case, we can see that GM is a large complex organization and has a lot of processes to make any decision in changing their strategic plan. Moreover, they sticked to the past failure that they had experienced. Therefore, they moved too slow and missed the opportunity to change or adapt themselves to the external trend or a better opportunity. What trends in the external environment favored the pursuit of the Chevy Volt project? -Gas price was increasing sharply because of growing demand in developed countries including China and India -Global Warming become a significant concern so people trend to use the car which produce less Carbon Dioxide. -The cost of Manufacturing lithium ion batteries was falling and new technology make them more powerful -Demand for fuel efficient car like Prius (Toyota) that utilize new battery technology What impediments to pursuing this project do you think existed within GM? -GM already spent a huge investment in developing fuel cells -Many decision makers in GM didn’t want to suddenly switch gears and focus on lithium ion batteries instead -Technology in a large lithium ion battery production was difficult -Failure in the past was the experience that GM still remembered and was afraid to invest in new project What does this tell you about the nature of strategic plans? Chevy Volt project which is partly based on the assumption of fuels prices is rather skeptical. Plan outlay in context of rising oil prices, and environment sustainability only does not in a sense constitute total business plan layout. External environment analysis such as the macro and micro-economic factors also should have been focused, so that an alternative plan layout to develop new innovation for its benchmark cars model that run on fuel and that which should meet the tighter regulation in the future. How do falling oil prices affect the Chevy Volt project? The Chevy Volt project strategic plan was based on factor that kept rising oil prices in contention to market its electric car model for profitability. Falling oil prices can affect Chevy Volt project in terms of profitability directly from the sale of electric cars. Do you think oil prices will remain low? The demand for oil increases, prices also is also likely to surge accordingly. Besides there are no substitute product 5. What will it take for the Chevy Volt to be a successful car ? in light of your analysis, how risky do you think this venture is for GM? What are the costs of failure? What are the costs of not pursuing the project? I think it wills success for the following factors Its new models have cutting-edge designs that sell well, and its quality rankings and fuel economy rise, If every new model has dramatically better gas mileage in government testing than its predecessor, Proper advertising is done like GM products are appearing in hit movies, music videos, TV shows and other media. Cost of not pursuing the†¦

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Hopi pottery1 essays

Hopi pottery1 essays Hopi Pottery is a historic art that has been passed down through many generations. The Hopi Indians have lived in the same area of the Southwest (present day Arizona) even before the time of Columbus. The prehistoric ancestors of the Hopi Indians were the Anasazi Indians. The Hopi Indians lived on desert land at the foot of the mesas. Hopi women made beautiful clay bowls, baskets, and jewelry. The art of pottery making came to these early Pueblo Indians by Meso-American Indians around 700A.D. Between this time and 1400 A.D., grey utilitarian ware was being produced for everyday needs which eventually evolved into a more colorful and decorative style of pottery. The 14th century became an extremely active period for the Hopi potters. New clays and firing techniques were employed transforming soft textured pots into harder, smoother and denser ones. The materials and techniques evolving during that time period resulted in a new form of pottery called sikyatki polychrome. This style, which involves painting directly on the polished body of the pot itself, continued until the late 1700's. Nevertheless, because of wars with the Spanish and other minor tribal disputes with the Navajo and Apache, Hopi pottery production almost completely vanished around 1800. However, in 1860, a woman named Nampeyo revived pottery making. She was considered to be responsible for the renaissance in Hopi pottery. Nampeyo single-handedly revived the art of pottery making by exclusively using the polychrome technique. Moreover, by the late 1800's, as the railroad was introduced to Arizona, it brought numerous traders who sought to fill the demands of an enlarging tourist market. Therefore, Nampeyo's pottery was highly prized and other Hopis, inspired by her, began fashioning their own work using similar techniques. The technique the Hopis use in order to build their pots is a simple, yet a very complicated process. This methods called the coiling met...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Unit 3 Human service Policy Discussion Research Paper

Unit 3 Human service Policy Discussion - Research Paper Example It designed programs that increased the child care spending as well as the food ration for the elderly. The government are now focusing in creating citizenship that are independent by providing ways of creating employment rather than depending on the government support ( J. Soss et al, 2005). However, the Obama administration did not mention anything to do with poverty because the feared attacks from the public. The government used all means possible to remove the attitude of people that the government must support poor people by giving them handouts. Many initiatives have been set up at the state and local levels to find mitigating measures of addressing poverty reduction. Up to twelve states in 2008 took the advantage of the global economic recession to set up poverty commissions and legislative caucuses to address poverty level (Congressional Budget Office). There are several future strategies that were put by the government to curb the rate of poverty increment and these included ways of finding a solution that could help stop the welfare debates especially in political campaigns and media, engaging the public in finding support for the needy, all the cash assistance policies should to be boosted so as to achieve more consistency towards work support as well as findi ng programs that the poor could be easily be integrated into. Establishment of more efficient and effective programs at the state and local levels by the government to help in assisting the poor, reinstituting the 2009 stimulus packages into effective ways of assisting the poor. In conclusion the government helps the poor by implementing the programs and policies that brings to an end the welfare programs. However, the poverty levels in North American and African countries have been on the higher levels for quiet along time (Jason DeParle,

Saturday, November 2, 2019

CASE STUDY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

CASE STUDY - Essay Example m to 199 ?m). Between 1999 and 2000, the profits before tax decreased slightly from 421 ?m to 360 ?m although there has been no change in the same. But the profits before tax payments has decreased considerably for the company between 2000 and 2001, from a profit of 360 ?m to a loss of 534 ?m. Further, during the same five year period, the company’s investment in infrastructure almost doubled from 4,625 ?m to 8,841 ?m, its credit value increased almost 3 times from 420 ?m to 1,356 ?m but its provisions almost halved and its debt increasing by almost 7 times from 522 ?m to 3,480 ?m in the same period. These values and trends indeed represent a complex economy as it can be seen that in addition to the company’s sliding profitability at the end of the five year period, the regulatory constraints too seem to have taken a toll on its profitability, in turn affecting its provisions and its capability to invest in future by banking on its capital market. Lack of effective stra tegies to tackle the changing market environment in terms of capital, infrastructure, innovation, operations, etc. have also affected the company’s profitability in the long run. ... In 2001 the company made a loss but the dividend was paid. Why should the company feel it necessary to make such a payment? The company has maintained a dividend payment of 26.9 p through 2001 from 2000 although it made a loss of 534 ?m during the same period. First, the decision of the board to pay the dividend was to keep both its stakeholders and shareholders happy as this could help the company become more competitive in the market place while still attracting capital in spite of its poor performance in the recently concluded year. Also, considering it to be the end of the first five year control period, the company needs to cater to the interests of its shareholders as much as there is a need to attract passengers and freight to sustain in the long run. And with the company running short on investment and poor performance leading to more regulatory constraints and lesser competitiveness, the company runs the risk of alienating its investors in the second five year control period . Also, the company needs to attract more capital to be able to improve its assets, performance, and rail network maintenance, foster innovation and competitiveness among its franchisees and sustain the positive trend in the passenger and freight incomes. Giving a dividend of 26.9 p is also necessary to project a positive impression and a sense of control among its shareholders as well as its other stakeholders particularly after the fatal accidents in 1997, 1999 and 2000. In spite of the under investment, poor performance and the lack of effective strategies, the company still required to pull on into the next control period as the agreed government grants and the ?2 billionn facility loan availability give it scope to adjust its debt record and improve its