Monday, December 23, 2019

The Debate Over Stem Cell Research - 1685 Words

While the use of stem cells can offer a lot to the scientific community, the derivation of stem cells from embryos is ethically unacceptable; and the use of stem cells in humans should be completely prohibited. Since the first research on embryo stem cells in 1998 on mice the controversy has been relentless (Timeline), and even now, scientists have made great strides in waning off of embryonic stem cells and instead using induced pluripotent stem cells from adults, however these have their issues as well. Whatever the benefits may be, using stem cells to propagate differentiated human cells, tissues, or organs should be prohibited. The government has been addressing this issue since the arise of stem cell research. There are many†¦show more content†¦The two big issues that arise with this research is the way the stem cells are acquired, and what researchers do with the information gathered once it is acquired. According to an article by The Center for Bioethics Human Dign ity called â€Å"An Overview of Stem Cell Research†, â€Å"Human embryonic stem cells are the cells from which all 200+ kinds of tissue in the human body originate. Typically, they are derived from human embryos-often those from fertility clinics who are left over from assisted reproduction attempts. When stem cells are obtained from living human embryos, the harvesting of such cells necessitates destruction of the embryos.†(An Overview of Stem Cell Research). So basically, to acquire these stem cells which have the benefits of improving others lives, you must take away a potential life. The same article by says â€Å"A life is a life and that should never be compromised. A fertilized egg should be valued as a human life even if it is in its very first weeks. Destroying human life in the hopes of saving human life is not ethical.†( The main problem with embryonic stem cell use is the ethical issues that come with it. But, one who t akes embryonic stem cells into their body must be on medicine to prevent rejection for the rest of their life, which can be extremely cost. Moving on, the not-so-unethical alternatives also have their plentiful of issues. According to John Hopkins medicine, in 2007 US

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Theme of struggle Free Essays

The Struggle Struggle is when you make forceful efforts to get free of a restraint. Usually something critical happens that causes you to struggle frequently. This critical thing can happen over time, or it can happen all of a sudden. We will write a custom essay sample on Theme of struggle or any similar topic only for you Order Now Frequently struggling usually leads to depression, the same way that struggling can keep you depressed. Everything has to happen for a reason, and in this case struggling was the reasoning for depression. Since the beginning of his wanting to go to a very academic school, Craig studied crazily like. He studied so much that one of the times he went to his room to study â€Å"[he] got comfortable with [his] room for the first time. † Most depressed people like to stay in their room for a long time because they want to isolate themselves. Studying for three hours a day in his room, is one the things that allowed himself to isolate himself, even though it was not intentional. He, like many other depressed people felt safe somewhere, and for him, it was his room. When you cannot do anything about your struggle you tend to panic and/or stress which can dead to long term physical and/or mental pain. Most people who throw up are sick, but there are certain people who vomit because they are stressed and Craig is one of them. Within months of his new school, which is one of the hardest high schools there are, he had stress vomited. Craig stress vomiting is very significant in It’s Kind of a Funny Story because it is when all his struggling begins. It usually shows that that person is not strong as to how they came off to be. Towards the beginning of the kook, Craig had everything together, which is usually other people’s lives are as well, but as more goes on to their plate as they can chew, they vomit and it shows that they are struggling. This conveys that every person who has stress vomited because of all the things they had to handle, really believed they were that person, someone who could do everything with ease. Struggling sometimes makes you lose control, so it may seem like you are in control, but in reality you are Just pretending to be. Since Craig has trouble digesting is food he has to tell himself he is â€Å"still in control of [his] mind and [he] has medication and [he] is going to make this happen† (37-38). If anyone is taking medication for something that they cannot control, like Craig eating abilities, it means that they are already no longer in control of their mind. Craig thinking that he is still in control conveys that he has found taking medication a normal thing, that it is no longer something that sets him apart from others. When you think of someone who takes medication to help them with depression along with other things, you hint their name and you think depression and medication along with them. It has become one with them. Craig became depressed because he was continuously struggling with simple things and harsh things that were a struggle. It can be predicted that over time Craig will come out of his depression when he gets out of his comfort zone, when he actually does something about one of his struggles. He will learn how to do that with all struggles and that will slowly end his depression. How to cite Theme of struggle, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Strengthen and Improve Initial Proposal

Questions: 1. What is the impact of diversity management at the workplace? 2. What are the factors affecting diversity management inside the organization? 3. What should be the recommendation for the business organizations for avoiding gender diversity at the workplace? Answers: 1. Business Research Topic In order to accomplish a research work successfully, the researcher should make an effective proposal first. It would help the researcher definitely to conduct the entire process in a systematic way. This particular research proposal is primarily concerned to deal with a specific business organizational issue. The impact of diversity management at the workplace has been selected as the primary issue (Barak, 2013). In a business organization, people of various culture and background like work in order to maintain their bread and butter. While maintaining unity or unanimous decision, executing team performance for achieving the business goal, people of different attitude face numerous problems. At the same time, business organization needs to follow diversity management for expanding their business beyond going the internal boundary. Therefore, the researcher has decided to make an effective research proposal in this particular topic in order to evaluate the importance of diversity management for business growth. In a business report of TESCO published in the year 2010 on The Economist, Sir Terry Leahy, the-then CEO of TESCO announced that before his retirement on March, this kind of diversity related issues inside the organization would be solved (Choi Rainey, 2014). People should be entertained within the organization based on their skills and competencies not on the gender or cultural diversity. 2. Literature Review In the literature review part, the researcher would focus to discuss on the various aspects of diversity management from different angles. The concept of diversity management: Diversity management is the systematic strategy with the help of which the business organizations like to deal with the people of various backgrounds. As stated by Hoogendoorn, Oosterbeek Van Praag (2013), Gender diversity is one of the major issues in every business organizations. Male and female employees do not get equal respect and dignity at the workplace. In addition, one female employee has to struggle immensely for holding a higher position than even the male employee holds. In this situation, implementation of diversity management bounds the business organizations to maintain diversity management at the workplace so that female employees as well get equal priority within the business organization. The importance of diversity management at the workplace: Customers like to purchase foods and products from the business organization if they get a service from the diverse employees. Customers of a business organization are not restricted within a specific culture, religion or background. Therefore, they feel comfortable to deal with the people of various culture and background. Moreover, the organization would be able to get the opportunity to hire skillful and competent employees only when the human resource manager would like to hire people based on their talent rather than their culture, religion or gender. Diversity management helps to enhance the communication among the employees of different attitudes (Kirton Greene, 2015). People get to know how to maintain unity at the workplace, how to respect the people of various culture and how to maintain discipline within the organization. In an occasion, TESCO former CEO Leahy stated that business organizations should hunt for the talent first. People who be appointed for a particular company, should have an in-depth knowledge and skill regarding the particular field. Therefore, efficiency should be provided more priority based on the skills and competencies. In this way, Diversity management helps the organization to expand their business in different geographical areas. The impact of diversity management on employees performance: The implementation of diversity management at the workplace is possesses with both of its positive as well as negative impacts. The employees of an organization belong from various psychologies and point of views. Before taking a vital decision regarding the business goal, managers get the opportunity to make a collective decision (Kulik, 2014). Moreover, employees inside the organization learn to respect various cultures and perceptions. As a result, they can easily handle numerous needs and demands of the customers from different backgrounds. The customers on the other hand would like to feel free for communicating with the employees effectively while using the services. At the same time, this particular strategy is not devoid of some of its negative impacts as well. People from different culture and attitude sometimes become unable to adjust with each other inside the organization. Barriers such as linguistic barriers, cultural barriers and psychological barriers take place among the employees (Madera, 2013). It hampers the entire rhythm of business. Employees fail to provide an effective service to the customers of different cultures and background. Customers as well do not feel comfortable to use the service of organization. Therefore, implementation of diversity management is endowed with both of its positive as well as negative impacts. 3. Research Question: Research question helps the researcher to identify the research issue properly. In this particular research proposal, the researcher has raised several questions. These are as follows: What is the impact of diversity management at the workplace? What are the factors affecting diversity management inside the organization? What should be the recommendation for the business organizations for avoiding gender diversity at the workplace? The solution of these particular issues would help the researcher to conduct the entire project successfully and to provide necessary solution in this regard. 4. Research methodology and techniques Research methodology is the balanced procedure with the help of which the researcher intends to conduct the entire research. This particular process helps the researcher to gather necessary information regarding the research issue (Martn Alczar et al. 2013). In this particular business research proposal, the researcher has aimed to collect data regarding the importance of maintaining diversity management within the business organization such as TESCO. Research methodology is constituted with appropriate research philosophy, research approach and research design. Research philosophy helps the researcher to analyze the source of data from detailed point of view (Olsen Martins, 2012). For this particular research work, the researcher would like to select post positivism philosophy for accomplishing the entire project successfully. Post positivism is a low cost effective philosophy based on repeated observation. Furthermore, deductive approach would be followed in order to acquire a clear knowledge and information regarding the business goal. Deductive approach can be dealt following the case study method. By following the case study of TESCO, their organizational plans and policies, the researcher would be able to collect necessary data and information. The way TESCO tends to maintain diversity management at the workplace would also be evaluated with the help of deductive approach. At the same time, deductive approach is time consuming. The researcher would get enough time and space to analyze the data and information properly. Furthermore, descriptive research design would be followed for this specific research paper. Descriptive research design helps the researcher to analyze the data and information in detailed manner. Descriptive research design is constituted with three factors that include observational, case study and survey. While dealing with a particular issue, the researcher likes to make a keen observation for few days (Patrick Kumar, 2012). After completing the observation period, the researcher likes to conduct an effective survey in order to collect detailed information. Based on the information gathered from the survey report, the researcher would like to make an effective case study on the specific topic. In order to collect necessary data regarding TESCOs organizational plan and process for implementing diversity management, the researcher focuses these three aspects of research methodology for accomplishing the entire project successfully. 5. Project Plan Project plan is the strategy to design the plan of entire research work chronologically. With the help of an effective project plan, the researcher would be able to fix a target or goal how to deal with the project. Without making a proper project plan, the researcher would never be able to conduct the entire work systematically. However, the project plan that would be conducted for this particular research proposal is as follows: Figure 1: Gantt chart (Source: Created by author) 6. Research process Research process is the systematic way of conducting the entire execution properly. In the very first part, the researcher would like to select the business topic or issue first. As per the research issue, the researcher would like to set the aims and objectives as well as research motivation. In the literature review part, the researcher has made an in-depth analysis about the entire research topic from various angles (Ratnadass et al. 2012). The concept of diversity management, the impact of diversity management and its importance have been discussed in detail in this particular part. Whit the help of an effective literature review section, the researcher would like to provide a deep insight about the research issue. Research question mainly allows identifying and specifying the research issue particularly. By setting a research question, the researcher can get an in-depth overview regarding the essence of research issue. Research methodology comes after that. With the help of research methodology, the researcher would like to apply accurate research approach, philosophy and design. These procedures are the systematic ways to conduct an in-depth analysis regarding the research topic. Different procedures of research methodology help the researcher to collect accurate data and information regarding the business topic (Richard, Kirby Chadwick, 2013). Diversity management and its effectiveness on the business organization is the main research issue for this proposal. TESCO had to face diverse issue at their workplace. Therefore, in the research proposal the researcher had followed this particular research process mentioned above in order to accomplish the analysis systematically. Throughout the entire process, the research may have to face immense difficulties to collect relevant data and information. However, the research process that the researcher has designed to follow is expected to be effective fo r gathering necessary information. 7. Data collection and analysis methods Data collection is the effective process of acquiring appropriate data and information in order to complete the research work successfully (Sabharwal, 2014). Data can be collected from two sources primarily that include primary data source and secondary data source. With the help of primary data collection procedure, the researcher can make a direct communication with the participants. Primary Data collection procedure includes survey, interview, group discussion, focal group and so on. On the other hand, secondary data can be collected from various journals, books, magazines, newspapers, online sites and so many. These sources are unable to make a direct communication with the researcher. However, primary data collection process consists of two parts that include qualitative data and quantitative data collection. Qualitative data is based on survey process and quantitative data is based on interview. For this specific research, the researcher would like to follow both the two methods. While collecting quantitative data, fifty-one employees of TESCO would be selected for the participation (Thomas, 2012). They would provide their own opinion regarding the business management process of TESCO. The participants would be asked whether diversity management is at all able to maintain the organizational discipline. The impact of diversity management on the business organization like TESCO is also a matter of question. However, with the help of qualitative data collection technique, the researcher would like to select three regional managers in order to make an effective interaction. Qualitative data collection is based on descriptive questions. With the help of qualitative questions, the researcher would come to know how the organizations or the managers have to face immense challenges in order to implement diversity management inside the workplace (Vidal et al., 2013). Various advantages and the disadvantages of diversity management would also be asked. These kinds of specific data and information would help the researcher to conduct the entire research successfully. 8. Expected outcome The researcher has tried the level best to make an entire research proposal by following a systematic procedure. The research questions that have been chosen are very much relevant to the research issue, its aims and objectives. In the literature review, every aspects of diversity management have been discussed in detail. As per the design of methodology formed in the research proposal, the researcher would be expected to collect necessary data and information regarding different factors of diversity management. Therefore, the outcome that would be rendered from the research work is expected to be positive. At the same time, the entire proposal is not devoid of some of its negatives factors as well. While conducting the entire proposal of methodology, the researcher has not mentioned about the importance of ethical consideration. The researcher should never impose any participant to provide information. At the same time, the data that would be collected from various resources would have to be correct and authentic. It would help the researcher to conduct the entire project systematically and the expected outcome would be positive. Reference List: Barak, M. E. M. (2013).Managing diversity: Toward a globally inclusive workplace. Sage Publications. Choi, S., Rainey, H. G. (2014). Organizational Fairness and Diversity Management in Public Organizations Does Fairness Matter in Managing Diversity?.Review of Public Personnel Administration,34(4), 307-331. Hoogendoorn, S., Oosterbeek, H., Van Praag, M. (2013). The impact of gender diversity on the performance of business teams: Evidence from a field experiment.Management Science,59(7), 1514-1528. Kirton, G., Greene, A. M. (2015).The dynamics of managing diversity: A critical approach. Routledge. Kulik, C. T. (2014). Working below and above the line: The researchpractice gap in diversity management.Human Resource Management Journal,24(2), 129-144. Madera, J. M. (2013). Best Practices in Diversity Management in Customer Service Organizations An Investigation of Top Companies Cited by Diversity Inc.Cornell Hospitality Quarterly,54(2), 124-135. Martn Alczar, F., Miguel Romero Fernndez, P., Snchez Gardey, G. (2013). Workforce diversity in strategic human resource management models: A critical review of the literature and implications for future research.Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal,20(1), 39-49. Olsen, J. E., Martins, L. L. (2012). Understanding organizational diversity management programs: A theoretical framework and directions for future research.Journal of Organizational behavior,33(8), 1168-1187. Patrick, H. A., Kumar, V. R. (2012). Managing Workplace Diversity.Sage Open,2(2), 2158244012444615. Ratnadass, A., Fernandes, P., Avelino, J., Habib, R. (2012). Plant species diversity for sustainable management of crop pests and diseases in agroecosystems: a review.Agronomy for sustainable development,32(1), 273-303. Richard, O. C., Kirby, S. L., Chadwick, K. (2013). The impact of racial and gender diversity in management on financial performance: How participative strategy making features can unleash a diversity advantage.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,24(13), 2571-2582. Sabharwal, M. (2014). Is diversity management sufficient? Organizational inclusion to further performance.Public Personnel Management, 0091026014522202. Thomas, K. M. (Ed.). (2012).Diversity resistance in organizations. Psychology Press. Vidal, T., Crainic, T. G., Gendreau, M., Prins, C. (2013). A hybrid genetic algorithm with adaptive diversity management for a large class of vehicle routing problems with time-windows.Computers Operations Research,40(1), 475-489.